
July 29, 2013

Mo Willems Doodles: Elephant & Piggie's WE ARE IN PLAY! tickets on sale at the Kennedy Center!

I love Mo Willems.
My kids and I crack up reading Pigeon and Elephant & Piggie books.

I am seriously thinking of a theme week just for him.
And as I started to scour for ideas, I read the latest post on MW's blog.

A play at the Kennedy Center! Yay!

Mo Willems Doodles: Elephant & Piggie's WE ARE IN PLAY! tickets on sale at the Kennedy Center!

I hope we get to go. I'll let you all know if we do. I'll also keep you posted on any fun Mo Willem projects that I come up with or find.

Have a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole! I'm a fellow VA teacher and your newest follower! I love your blog, super cute!

    Fourth Grade Lemonade
