
February 10, 2009

Long Vowel Sites for Skills Block

Today's Skills Block went a lil' something like this...
  1. Letter Sounds - Jack Hartmann
  2. Our Class Promise chant
  3. Find and highlight tape the words with the Long E sound on Our Class Promise chart
  4. This game. I play it on the LCD projector and they use the pointer to show me what to click.
  5. Then this site. We read the Long E combo EA poem and played the activities that went with it.
  6. Then on to this site where the class told me which box to place the Long Vowel words in.
  7. The class broke into pairs and built -eat family words from sets that I made to match the HM Teacher Edition. I do this with each word family. They write down the words and share any new ones.

This interactive day was really helpful since I am losing my voice...sick kids in my home and at school! Ahhhhh! Hope you all enjoy! {{{moonwalks away}}} ^_^

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